Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Toy Story 3

I don't even really know what to say about this film. It was beautiful and heart-wrenchingly sad like a Pixar movie ought to be, and I cried in the theatre, just like I ought to.

I am going to refrain from discussing any details because I absolutely refuse to spoil any of this movie for anyone, so sorry, but this will be incredibly brief and potentially even sparse.

(It helps that it's been a few days between when I saw it and when I wrote this entry. Apologies.)

I think the only issue I had in any sense with the film or its presentation was this: that it was only available in 3D. I mean really. I don't understand the appeal. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on it, because it just doesn't do anything for me. Not for Avatar, not for Alice in Wonderland, and certainly not for this. For me, a movie experience is enhanced by a large screen, good sound, and being able to share it with people I care about, the latter being the most essential. And, while I'm at home, the people I most readily share movies with are my parents: 3D gives my mom headaches and my dad simply can't see 3D films, so in the end it hinders far more than enhances.

But, a la Casanova, I have too long dominated the conversation; what are your thoughts on the matter?


  1. I still don't understand what the point of the 3D was. There were no effects whatsoever.

  2. ... but except it wasn't only available in 3-D. It was available in 3-D, but I definitely saw it in 2-D.

    Anyway. I love that movie. I bawwed a lot both times I saw it.

  3. It toast wasn't available in 2-D where I am. :p
