Monday, August 19, 2013

A Quick Update

Hello, everyone! Hyperbole is back online, if you couldn't tell by the abrupt activity spike. Now that I've spammed you all, a few housecleaning items:

1. I am going to be looking into constructing a mailing list SOON. If you want to be a part of this, PLEASE comment on this blog post or contact me in another fashion. That way updates like this one can be longer, more personal, and they'll go directly to the people that are actually interested. Capiche?

2. Camp NaNoWriMo was a wild success, mostly in that it was super inspiring and fun. I met my revised goal of 20k for the month of July and have been terrible about keeping up since. Must get back on the bandwagon, because book five draft one of my fantasy series, The Codestone Sequence, is not finished yet.

3. After book five draft one IS finished, I will be going back and reworking book one. The game plan here is to push book one to production. I might also attempt to draft book six simultaneously, but that might make my brain explode.

4. I am going to undertake a poetry project! It is inspired by Robert Grenier's excellent interactive poem, Sentences, which you can read online here. The idea is that every phrase or series of phrases is written on an index card. There are five hundred of them, and the reader makes a poem by drawing them at random. Ergo, my project will revolve around the same idea. At least, the same physical medium. Except bound in a stab-binding book. Perhaps.

5. If I ever finish any visual art that's worthwhile maybe I'll put it up here. And on Tumblr, as it's more picture-friendly. Would anyone be interested in seeing some original characters here?

6. I'm sorry I'm so bad at posting on schedule. I mean it. It's not okay. I'll try to be better at it, I promise. With that in mind, I'll see you Saturday.

Thank you for reading, and goodnight!


  1. Oh and I once had an art show (ok - it was my only art show) where I painted a Italian single word on each canvas and then hung them to form Italian poems. I also had a recording playing in the background of an Italian language tape. I liked Sentences - thanks for sharing.

    1. Absolutely! Thank you for reading and sorry for the late reply :)
      I love the idea of the word canvases - would love to see pictures, though the experience wouldn't be complete without the tape running.
