If you're looking at this and saying to yourself "NaNoWhatMo?" then you might just be in luck.
NaNoWriMo, the abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month, is also the internet home of the craziest version of the month of November you will possibly ever meet. The idea is to write 50,000 words - a novel, or, if you're like me, part of one - in one moth. That means 1,667 words every day for thirty days, which will result in approximately eighty single-spaced Microsoft Word pages. Founded by Chris Baty, author of No Plot? No Problem!, the community's tagline is "Thirty Days and Nights of Literary Abandon" and participating is one crazy ride.
You can imagine, then, what Camp NaNoWriMo is in essence. It's the same idea: write a whole lot in a short amount of time. The cool part about camp is that, if you're interested, you can participate in an online cabin, and you can set your own world goal anywhere between 10,000 and (I think) 99,000 words! There are multiple sessions of Camp, and July is one of them.
So if you were wondering where the heck I was and why I'm so bad at blogging, there's part of your answer.
Cheers, everybody, and happy writing!